Rational Method

2024. 3. 29. 19:48카테고리 없음

Queensland Urban Drainge Manual(QUDM)


1. What is rainfall

 Rainfall is precipitation. Used in stomwater runoff calaulation(for design pipes, chanels, etc.)

simply it is rain from sky but it involved many variables


2. Water cycle

  evaporation - condensation - precipitation

  - Evaporation : Oceans, lakes, and water in soil heat up and turns into vapor and rises inot the air

  - Condensation : Water vapor cools down as it rises and turns into tiny water droplets and accumulate to form clouds

  - Precipitation : Water droplets combine to form bigger droplets and when Clouds get heavy enough, eventually rains fall. it run off catchment inot water bodies or soak into soil


3. Design storms

  Hypothetical rainfall event. simulate natural event based on historical data

  they design as how storm long and how intense that rain is


4. Anatomy of a storm

 Pre-storm rainfall : befor it start, there can be fall pre-storm

  Pre-burst rainfall : Period leading up to peak intensity of rainfall. make the groud satuated and it affect to calculations

  Storm burst rainfall : maximum intensity of the storm. when design infrastucture we focus on burst phase

  Post-burst rainfall : After the peak, decrease in rainfall intensity and eventual end


5. Storm frequency

  it broadly grouped as

 - Very frequent / Frequent / Infraquent / Rare / Extremely rare / Extreme

  it can be measured in 

 - Exceedances per years(EY) / Aunnal Exceedance Probability(AEP) / Average Recurrence interval(ARI)

  For civil design

 - Common frequencies show / AEP is preffered / ARI is not used


6. Intensity Frequency and Duration(IFD)

  Constantly upadated data of rainfall

  AEP(=frequenct) : probability storm may occur in given year at specific location

  intensity : rate of rainfall(mm/h)

  Duration : length of time storm birst persist

 Q(year) value : Design facility according to freqency)

  - ~Q1 [AEP : 63.2~] : stormwater quality(WSUD)

  - Q1~Q10 [AEP : 10~63.2] : Stormwater longitudinal culvert(박스) design 

  - Q10~Q20  [AEP : 5~10] : Roofwater design

  - Q20~ Q100  [AEP : 1~5] : Floodplain mangement, waterway design, major storm even analysis


8.What is the Rational Method?

  How much stormwater will runoff at any given location

  Hydrological method Exstimates peak discharge from rainfall runoff

  - Q = CIA/360

> Qy : Peak flow rate(m^3/s) for AEP of 1 in 'y' year

> Cy : Coefficient(계수) of runoff for AEP of 1 in 'y' year

 ▶if C=0.5, 50%of rainfall results in runoff exept for infilteraition

 ▶ City has low infilteration, so it has high Cy

> Iy : Average rainfall intensity(mm/h) for 't' hours for AEP of 1 in 'y' year

     ▶Intensity will increase as the storm frequency(빈도) decrease 

     ▶Intensity will increase as the storm duration(Length of time storm's persists) decrease 

    > A : Catchment area

     ▶Determined by Countour maps, council records, Aerial imagery, Site inspection

     ▶we can calculate peak discharge by it's Runoff for chatchments/ inlet,pipe ststem/ road capacity ..

  - Relies on the following assuption

    > A storm burst of duration = time of concentration(yield the maximum of peak discharge rate)

    > Entire watershed receives uniform(even) rainfall during this time of concentration


9. what is thime of concenturation[t(min)]

   taking time from farthest point to outlet

   relating to catchment components conditions, they make different flow path

   - Roof to main system connection(t = 5m) : roof runs off roof, through downpipes(

   - Kerb flow(t = 0.025L/S^0.5) : Movement over the road surface. it utilize gravity

     > L : length of gutter(도로측구) flow(m) / S : Slope of gutter(%)

   - Pipe flow(t = L/60V) : Movement through a pipe or conduit

    > L : pipeline length (m) / V : velocity(m/s) 

   - Channel flow(t = L/60V): opened place to movement of water


    > (V = 1/n x R^2/3 x S^1/2): velocity(m/s)

/ n : Manning's coefficient

/ R : Hydraulic radious(m)

/ s : Friction slope(m/m)

   - Overland sheet flow : Overand sheet flow time

Friend's Equation(t = 107nL^0.333)(more suitable)

> n : Horton's surface toughness factor

/ L : Overland's flow path(m)

/ S : slope of serface(%)

Kinematic Wave Equation(t = 6.94(Ln)^0.6 / I^0.4S^0.3)

> n : Surface roughness coefficient

/ I : Rain fall intensity

/ L : Overland's flow path(m)

/ S : slope of serface(%)


 - Concentrated overland flow(Natural Channel) ()After sheet flow reaches limit, it turns to 

concentrated channel