전체 글(24)
Inlet Design
Reference : Queesland UrbanDrainage Manual(QUDM) 1. Inlet terminology ㅇ In urban environment it is densly populated, Spatially constrained, Lots of vehicle, pedestrain. so It must control flooding frequent, unfrequent, rare events in safety aspects. ㅇ Longidudinal Drainage - Combination of stormwater inlets and interconnected pipes is needed - Majority of Aus systems discharge into creek, rivers..
2024.03.30 -
How the stormwater systems works during heavy rain?
1. Route of rainwater moving to the ocean Rain water falls on surfaces like park, garden and buildings. and runsoff roof, through down pipes and out to the staight. on the straight, It has typically underground minor pipe system and overland major road systems work in tandems. Rainwter is collected in the Kerb and gutter and flows into drains called "side-entry pits" and it flows into network of..
2024.03.30 -
Rational Method
1. What is rainfall ○ Rainfall is precipitation. Used in stomwater runoff calaulation(for design pipes, chanels, etc.) simply it is rain from sky but it involved many variables 2. Water cycle ○ evaporation - condensation - precipitation - Evaporation : Oceans, lakes, and water in soil heat up and turns into vapor and rises inot the air - Condensation : Water vapor cools down as it rises and turn..
2024.03.29 -
Drainage system in Australia Performance Requirement P2.2.1 is satisfied for drainage if the drainage is designed and constructed in accordance with AS 3500.3 - Stormwater drainage installations. Application Compliance with this Part satisfies Performance Requirement P2.2.1 for drainage of- (a) roofs in areas subject to 5 minute duration rainfall intensities of not more than 255 mm per hour over an average r..
2024.03.15 -
Public Work of Water Control in Seoul(Part 5 : Disaster manage of Heavey rain)
Public sewage systems play a crucial role in managing rainwater, hence civil engineers are responsible for overall heavy rain disaster response. In the past, sewage systems were solely responsible for waste disposal, but modern sewage systems play a role in facilitating urban water circulation. Therefore, more emphasis is placed on the term 'stormwater management' rather than 'sewage.' With rece..
2024.03.14 -
도면으로 모델링하기
1.CAD파일을 Revit으로 불러오기 새로만들기 - 건축탬플릿 - 삽입 - 캐드 가져오기 - DWG파일 선택(색상(유지),레이어(모두),단위(치수),위치(자동), 배치위치(1층)) 설정해서 열기 - 중간에 핀이 꼽힌 모양이면 이동 및 편집 불가 - 색상을 흑백으로 설정하면 그림이 흑백으로 나타 남 - 배치위치는 도면이 어느 층에 위치될 지가 설정을 한다. - 층별로 다른 캐드파일 저장을 하는게 레빗에서 작업하기 편함. 2. 바닥모델링하기 - 건축 - 바닥 - (유형편집, 두께 200mm) - 외곽선 따라서 바닥 만들기 > 이어지지 않은 부분은 trim으로 잇기 가능 > 왼쪽 아래서 두번째 - visual style에서 색상/음영처리 가능 - 현관, 화장실 바닥 만들기 > 바닥이 그려진 공간에 바닥 중복..